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Monday, June 05, 2006

Serendipity Installation Problem solved (MySQL Database Setup)

I was trying to install Serendipity 1.0-beta3 and was facing problems with my MySQL database setup. The installer complained about a missing database module.
On my Debian system the debian package of the PHP Mysql module "php4-mysql" was installed into the directory
My "php.ini" file had the "extension_dir" set to "./"
So the Mysql module could not be found.
  1. I created a new directory /usr/local/share/php/extensions and switched into it.
  2. I linked the to the original location using the command:
    1. ln -s /usr/lib/php4/20050606/
  3. I set the "extension_dir" variable in the file "php.ini" to "/usr/local/share/php/extensions"
  4. Restart of my Apache2 webserver.
Yep, it's working now

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